There are few things braver than being willing to see something about yourself with clarity and then being open to making change; sometimes, what changes is your ability to accept what you see.

I have the utmost respect for my clients and their engagement in the process of therapy.  It is this respect that forms the foundation of my practice, and it is highly important to me that each client experiences a sense of trust, safety, and respect in our work together. 

What to Expect
In the first few sessions, you and I will work together to understand what brings you to therapy now, what you would like as an outcome of this process, and what you think works or does not work for you.  I typically assess how to proceed based on what you let me know about yourself.  I believe in a collaborative approach and will take cues from you as to whether the direction we are going in is helpful; often I will check in with you directly about my train of thought and ask if you think the work that we are doing is on the right track.  

As therapy progresses, we will figure out a plan together as to the pacing of sessions and the therapeutic approach we are taking.  I am well-versed in an integrationist approach, in that I will adapt my style to what seems most helpful.  Overall, I draw heavily from three forms of therapy:  dynamic/insight-oriented, interpersonal process, and a mindfulness-based approach to anxiety and depression.  I utilize a combination of these therapeutic approaches to understand how the past in your life is influencing what is happening for you now, how patterns of thought and behavior may be working either for or against you, and what you can do to make active steps towards change.